7 Stages Of Relating To An EA Sports Soundtrack

Step 1: Novelty

You crack the seal on your newly purchased EA Sports title, the sound of the plastic crinkling under your mighty force filling the room. You can smell the mass produced, factory flavored air leaking from the case and the disc itself as you pop it into the console and wait for things to get real. "E. A. Sports. It's In The Game." You're damn right it is. Regardless of the field of play to which you're heading, you're giddy at the prospect of another year and another iteration of your favorite title. You feverishly navigate the menus, looking to set up your franchise or Pro, or maybe just play a few exhibitions to get the feel of things. At this point, the music isn't even identifiable. The soundtrack is simply a pleasant, faceless addition as you scramble to jump into game action. You feel nothing about it aside from the fact that it's not the same as the one you've been listening to for the last year. That's not about to last, though.

Freelance writer situated on the east coast of Canada. Ten years writing pop culture, sports, news, and anything else that people will read. Follow me on Twitter @matthewjryder!