7 Terrible Excuses People Make For Losing At Online Games

4. Hax!

Hax Really? Yes, it€™s possible to manipulate the game by hacking, and I have found myself repeatedly killed by people jumping 200 feet in the air and spamming auto-aim. That€™s one thing; crying "Hax" when someone is out-playing you is quite another. It€™s an excuse people are all too ready to use €“ whenever there€™s lag it€™s "hax," whenever someone kills you it€™s "hax," and whenever something remotely unlikely happens it€™s (you guess it) "hax." Depending on the game and server, hacking is usually regulated strictly and punished, so it€™s nowhere near as common online as some people would like to claim. It€™s much more likely to be lag or chance.

3. Weapon Hogger

Weapon This is even more unreasonable than "Camper." It refers to someone who obtains a power weapon (such as a rocket launcher or a sniper rifle) and then keeps hold of it, using it to kill people throughout the match. I€™m not quite sure what the alternative would be, to be honest €“ perhaps they expect you simply to play on, holding on to the weapon but nobly refraining from firing it. A rocket launcher has a fair amount of weight to it, after all; perhaps you could beat enemies over the head with it. Or use it to try to trip them over. Really, though, this is just one of those excuses that make me wince every time I hear it.
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Laurence Gardner was born in Canterbury, England. After moving around various cities during his childhood, and spending some time travelling in Europe and America, he studied English Literature at Oxford University. Since then, he’s been living abroad, teaching English, learning a range of languages, and writing in his free time. He can currently be found in Heidelberg, working as an English Tutor and Translator and studying at the University. If you liked this article, follow him on Twitter to get automatic updates on his work.