7 Terrible Video Game Weapons That Became ULTIMATE WEAPONS

4. Devil's Arms - Tales Of Symphonia

Dark souls broken sword
Namco Tales Studio

"What the hell is this then?"

These are very likely the words that fell from your lips upon picking up any of the Devil's Arms in the stonkingly fun Tales Of Symphonia title, as while each of these weapons carries cool names like "Heart Of Chaos" or "Soul Eater" they also come with rather shocking damage output, that being precisely zero.

Now the last time I checked, weapons are supposed to do damage to enemies, so what use is an item that has all the threat of a warm bubble bath?

Well, it's here where the truly devilish detail of these Devil's Arms comes to light, as the attack power increases with each enemy you kill, meaning that if you begin a murderous rampage, you're soon to see the power of these weapons jump up.

Now to be very clear, these weapons will still absolutely suck come to the end of your first and even second playthrough, but on your third trip around the sun (assuming you're even up for it at that point) you will be one-shotting most enemies and even some bosses, which makes the game a hilariously trivial experience.

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Dark Souls
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