7 Terrible Video Game Weapons That Became ULTIMATE WEAPONS

2. Magikarp - The Pokémon Franchise

Dark souls broken sword

Ohhh boy PETA is going to be on my case with this one.

I say this because while a Pokemon isn't a "weapon" in the sense that most people would expect, by definition weapon means "a thing designed or used for inflicting bodily harm or physical damage" which Pokemon definitely do at the behest of their trainers, or at least in the case of Magikarp try to do but utterly fair at.

We all remember the abject feeling of horror when we chucked Magikarp out into battle to see what our newly gained Poke-pal could do only to effectively watch it gasp for oxygen and flop about the place (before likely being kicked in the eye by its opponent), and likely for first time players, this was enough to relegate Magikarp to its ball forevermore.

However, for those that stuck with this rather pathetic-looking creature by having it open their battles and switching it out for someone actually capable of fighting back, their patience was rewarded with something that was as cool as the bloody Squirtle Squads sunglasses. I'm talking about the big bad aquatic lad known as Gyarados, a monster of a creature that gained access to not only a decent set of stats, but the incredible Hyper Beam, which would and could one-shot opponents!

Talk about going from a zero to a hero!

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Dark Souls
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