7 Terrible Video Games You MUST Play

2. Two Worlds 2

Demolition Girl
TopWare Interactive

The Two Worlds series of games is one that feels like a true underdog story. Throughout its time, the games have always held lofty ambitions but been let down by the fact that their code seems to be made out of a house of cards situated over an active fault line, threatening to crash at any moment's notice.

The original title was lambasted for being an Oblivion clone with one of the most laughable voice acting going at the time, and many thought that this, coupled with some truly horrendous combat, would spell the end of things. Not so it seemed as Two Worlds 2 stuck its oar in the water and pulled hard to get the franchise back to shore. It's a bit of a shame that the franchise still seemed to be rowing in circles, however, there was one aspect not only keeping the experience afloat but got many players wet in another aspect, the Magic system.

I will go on record to state that the magic mechanics in this game are phenomenal, easily some of the best I've seen in any action-RPG and it was all down to how you could stack powers on others to make ludicrous things happen. For example, you could summon in anvils, then use another spell to have them swirl around you like a tornado of metal, or rain down fireballs from the sky onto your enemies.

You can spend hours switching in and out effects and testing them on unlucky opponents, and trust me you'll need to put in the time because the game tells you precisely NONE of what you need to know to get the most out of this feature. This is why it's on this list! Because the best aspect of the title is completely buried and ignored in favour of the otherwise mediocre experience! FOR SHAME!

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