7 Things You Need To Know About RetroMania Wrestling

1. It's Only On Nintendo Switch

Nintendo Switch

Sorry in advance, PS4 and Xbox One owners.

Currently, RetroMania Wrestling is only slated for release on Nintendo Switch in the first few months of 2020. The website does say that Retrosoft are working around the clock to make sure they can launch on other platforms, but there are no guarantees at the moment. Unless something changes fast, it's Switch or nothing.

The game's retro theme, arcade style and pick-up-and-play gameplay will lend itself well to Nintendo's console. Whilst it's unlikely to be a deal breaker for anyone sitting on the fence about Switch, it does offer wrestling fans an alternative that's sure to be 10x more fun than WWE 2K18 was.

It doesn't look like 2K are going to release future games on the system either, so this is everyone's best bet for some on-the-go wrasslin' action. If nothing else, it's a fun concept that brings old-school charm to a fresh, inviting platform. Who knows, it might even prompt a younger audience to check out WrestleFest and other arcade classics.

What do you think about this bold new retro wrestling game? Let us know down in the comments section below!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.