7 Times Video Game Fans Lost Their Minds At Stupid Things

1. Spider-Man's "Puddlegate"

Horizon Aloy
Sony Interactive Entertainment

I think we all knew that this was going to make it onto the list so why not give the primo spot to a moment that caused a deep swell of anger with a puddle's depth of sense.

"Puddlegate" the moment that some select few swore off the outstanding Marvels Spider-Man forever, a point in time that barred some off from experiencing one of the most satisfying, brilliantly written, and emotional superhero tales ever put to disc all because they couldn't get over how there were fewer puddles in the final build of the game.

Now to play devils advocate, graphical downgrades in games have burned players in the past, and one need only look over how Aliens: Colonial Marines straight up fibbed to audiences around the world by telling us "this is what it will look like I promise!" before then revealing that the sort of promises Gearbox were making were about as empty as the brains of their clueless Xenomorph AI. Therefore when rumors spread that Spider-Man couldn't handle all that sweet, sweet puddle action, some read that as a clear sign that they were pre-ordering a dead duck of an experience and took to the internet in a huff, no matter that so many other assets in the final build look better and ran far smoother than the original demo.

Still, this was like yelling at a man listening to the sound of his own farts at this point and the backlash spun on (likely fuelled as well by irate non-Playstation fans who were just salty they didn't get any Spider-Man for tea in the first place), culminating in a rather humorous tweet from the devs who straight up stated "It's just a change in puddle size, no downgrade at all", finally silencing the critics and offering a cold splash of water in the face of those having a tantrum.

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