7 Times You Were Right To Worry About Video Games

5. The Moment Andromeda Failed - Anthem

Metal Gear Survive

You're only as good as your last success. This is a saying bandied around offices, locker rooms, and many other walks of life, and there's a lot of truth to it. After all people are probably going to remember that time you ate a live puppy face first despite the fact you were getting good grades all year up until that point aren't they?

Unfortunately for video game developers, the reception of their prior title can also screw the pooch that is their latest project, as BioWare found out first hand when Mass Effect: Andromeda drunkenly stumbled onto the marketplace and promptly caked it's own trousers in dung.

And it was at this moment, in the wake of Andromeda's failure that the bloom was most truly off the rose for BioWare. As a result any fingers they had in other video game pies, now seemed as appealing as eating a slice of tart that someone had stuck their todger in.

And the manky pastry dish in question was the one and only Anthem. Suddenly all of its "totally real and not staged I swear guys" trailers and gameplay segments seemed to reek of a deep set rot and with each new announcement of the progress of the game, a new dollop of worry was added on top.

If BioWare couldn't deliver on a franchise that was a core part of its identity, what hope did this new IP have? Especially with the weight of expectations coming from EA who themselves were so desperate for a win.

It would seem that this shaken confidence in the devs was unfortunately well founded, as upon release Anthem was a slice of admittedly decent-looking mush, but was so hollow and obvious with its gameplay loops that many fans were left cold on the experience within weeks, leading to a steady march towards the grave.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.