7 Times You Were Right To Worry About Video Games

4. Where's Joel? - Last Of Us Part 2 - SPOILER ALERT

Metal Gear Survive
Naughty Dog

The moment that the Last Of Us Part II's first trailer dropped was a milestone moment in gaming.

Here we were, several years after one of the most impactful, hearfelt and engaging stories had basically made every other action adventure game look like a boring lecture on how to watch paint dry, and now we were finally reunited. The internet exploded in excitement and message boards and comment threads were set ablaze with speculation, anticipation, and joy that we were finally going to be playing as Joel and Ellie once more.

Or were we?

You see the 2016 Playstation Experience trailer also sparked something else, something less enrapturing than the thought of playing this technical marvel. It was worry.

It was a fear that came from the strange framing of the trailer, of how Joels face was never shown, how Ellie was so deeply saddened and troubled by something, and of how she was covered in blood yet Joel appeared pristine, almost as if he was an idealised memory of a figure rather than something real.

There's something about losing an expertly written video game character that I feel hits harder than in movies. Because you played as them, you were a part of their journey that was equally your own, and so being presented with images like this, years before the game dropped was enough of a seed to know how it was all going to end.

The worry was well placed even if the backlash most definitely wasn't.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.