7 Times You Were Right To Worry About Video Games

1. Stuck In Development Hell - Various Games

Metal Gear Survive

In video games, there is no great source of frustration, angst, and worry as the dreaded "development hell" status that comes to define more games than we'd care to mention.

To have this label attached to a project might as well come with a phone containing the Grim Reaper on speed dial, as clearly something isn't working out behind the scenes. Whether it's the creative leads leaving, the money drying up or a publisher pulling the creators onto other projects and promising "we'll get back to that later", it all ends up the same; with a handful of screenshots or a trailer, and then radio silence until we spy their names in the obituaries.

It's time that really is the source of worry with this entry, as with such a high turnover of titles and an industry that barely remembers what came out that week let alone a year ago, the wheels need to be greased with the blood, sweat and tears of developers constantly or they rust entirely overnight

It's absolutely gutting to see a title you love get a new lease of life only to go into an excruciating period of protracted turmoil, and with each passing month and each failure to show something new, the worry only grows.

Plus if a game spends years and years in development hell, and somehow makes it out, the worry only increases, as now you have a game that can't possibly ever live up to the expectations that this long gestation period has produced.

You're damned if you do and you're forgotten if you don't.

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