7 Upcoming Video Game Reboots That'll Blow You Away In 2016

Sometimes all a franchise needs is a fresh start...

If you were to pick out one big buzzword to sum up this entire video game generation so far, what would it be? Maybe micro-transactions, or Virtual Reality depending on how that pans out. How about frame rates, with every site nitpicking every little drop in every game as a sign of how terrible either a console or game is? But no word (or part of a word as the case may be) has been as definitive of this generation as the 're-' suffix. Remasterings, reboots, remakes, they've all fuelled a huge part of this gaming generation - sometimes for better, sometimes for worse - and we need to accept them as an integral part of the gaming scene, lest we become sticks-in-mud pining for the 'good old days' of endless new IPs and diversity. But nothing everything prefixed with a 're-' is for the wrose, and reboots in particular are a great way for a franchise to put the past behind it and say "Let's trying doing things a little differently this time". In the tough world of games development, this is as likely to fail as it is to succeed, but 2016 promises to be a fine year for the reboot, and here are the most promising ones the year will have to offer.

Gamer, Researcher of strange things. I'm a writer-editor hybrid whose writings on video games, technology and movies can be found across the internet. I've even ventured into the realm of current affairs on occasion but, unable to face reality, have retreated into expatiating on things on screens instead.