7 Upcoming Video Games That Have Ignored Massive Mistakes

6. Anthem

anthem game

The Lesson: Shared World Shooters Can't Just Be Loot Grinds

As disheartening as it is to see Bioware moving away from their single-player RPG roots to embrace multiplayer, the switch up doesn't have to be entirely bad. It's still the developers which birthed imaginative universes in Mass Effect and Dragon Age who are crafting Anthem's mythology, characters and world, and the studio have refined their combat system over the years to the point where it can stand toe-to-toe with any other competitor.

Unfortunately, while all of that remains true, EA are still yet to show off just what exactly it is you'll be doing in Anthem. So far the footage has shown gangs of players flying around ruined jungle areas in mechs, taking out enemies as damage counters pop up on screen and refining their loot. Essentially, it looks like it's pretty much taken the template of the original Destiny or The Division and not actually added anything on top of it.

The problem is, those games recognised that the loot grind can't be the only selling point, and that giving players little focus or reason to want new upgrades doesn't work. While those franchises have taken steps to remedy those issues, Anthem so far seems to be repeating them.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3