7 Upcoming Video Games That Have Ignored Massive Mistakes

1. Crackdown 3

Crackdown 3

The Lesson: Agents Of Mayhem

Crackdown 3 should have been Microsoft's next big exclusive, but it's now looking like it could be their last gasp of air before giving up on the generation entirely. Despite looking gorgeous, flirting with cloud technology and bringing in Terry Crews, recent showings have made it clear that the long-awaited sequel isn't deviating all that much from the franchise formula.

It looks very much like Crackdown, in that you're still collecting orbs, you're still throwing cars at goons and you're still leaping from building to building. Unfortunately, while that would have been more than enough had the title came out immediately after the second game, the open world genre has moved on massively since then.

Agents of Mayhem was essentially proof that that formula doesn't cut it anymore. Riffing on everything Crackdown did years ago, Mayhem felt instantly dated, and in a world that's just birthed a sandbox as organic and believable as Red Dead Redemption 2's, this third game already feels like a relic of the past.

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Days Gone
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3