7 Upcoming Video Games That Have Ignored Massive Mistakes

2. Battlefield V

Battlefield V

The Lesson: Clear Messaging Is Key

For all intents and purposes, Battlefield V so far has been a complete disaster. Even ignoring the fact that a lot of the bad will came from some players angered that DICE weren't "authentically" portraying WW2, there was a problem with the messaging from the get go, as trailers made it seem as though V was going to be a watered down, CODified version of the shooter they loved.

In fact, over those first trailers, actual gameplay changes and improvements over BF1 weren't even highlighted, instead reserved for boring news posts on EA and DICE's dedicated websites. Even when demos started rolling out, most people angered by the new "direction" still had the first impression of the title in their heads.

This was all seemingly in direct comparison to how they handled Battlefield 1, which was a masterclass in marketing and hype. Even now, after multiple delays and a battle royale mode that nobody know anything about, V's promotion seems entirely botched.

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Days Gone
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3