7 Upcoming Video Games That Will Waste Their Biggest Selling Points

3. "A Multiplayer Fallout Experience" - Fallout 76

Fallout 76 E3 PowerArmors 1528639320

Like Anthem's war of ideals, Fallout 76 has been met with nothing but hate since first look. What we have is a multiplayer-focused MMO - something the Twitch streamers and Youtube personalities of the world will love - whilst the heart of the game's art direction is still post-apocalyptic retro-50s fiction.

Y'know... Fallout.

Only, these two halves don't make a whole. You can't establish a tone and atmosphere when group chat dominates the airwaves. You can't design memorable quests with in-depth strategies or thought processes to solve, in case someone wasn't listening, and then we have the fact there are no NPCs in the whole game.

It truly will be a post-apocalypse, but as gameplay has shown, this thinning of pedestrians is to facilitate maximum PVP action, including detonating nuclear bombs if you have enough bottle caps.

Semi-grizzly-and-stylish Fallout, but "whacky", and with dance emotes? It's hard to tell who this is even for.

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