7 Video Game Character Deaths That Carried Real Weight

3. John Marston - Red Dead Redemption

mass effect mordin solus
Rockstar Games

Very few games will kill a character that the player controls during the course of the game's story, and for good reason. It's tough to take out what is ostensibly the main focus of the story that empowers the player. Fewer still do it before the game truly ends and of those that do, Red Dead Redemption stands out among the rest.

Getting to that point in the story requires a lot of the player, and during that time, the player gets to know John very intimately. They see what makes him tick, what drives him, and most importantly how they can identify with his plight.

When John walks into that hail of gunfire it hits the player like a ton of bricks. And while Jack may not be the larger than life man that his father was, Jack taking revenge for his father would not have carried a fraction of the cathartic weight that it did without the build up of John's character.

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