7 Video Game NPCs That NEED Their Own Game

5. Kendo - Resident Evil

mass effect garrus

When it comes to over-the-top and characters with so much colour you'd think your eyes had been stabbed by felt tipped pens, you can't do much better than the oddities found within the Resident Evil franchise.

From mysterious merchants, brave police officers bitten before one day before retirement (RIP Marvin), and of course "Please Step On Me Mommy TM", Resident Evil as a series is chock full of memorable characters, and yet what if we dialed things back a little in order to tell a much more personal tale?

As it stands Resident Evil is at its best when it reminds the player of what's at stake, be it the residents of a small town, the fate of your team, or as in the case of Robert Kendo a humble gun store owner in Racoon City, his family.

If set alongside the Resident Evil 3 Remakes timeline, we could see the outbreak of Racoon City through a very different lens as here you wouldn't be trying to take down Umbrella or uncover governmental coverups, you'd just be trying to get your wife and daughter to safety. And before we go further, yes I know technically you can play as Kendo in the Ghost Survivors DLC, but let's not forget that this is non-cannon and also, it's just not enough Kendo!

As well known as the unfortunate fate of Kendo's family is, that doesn't mean the journey getting to that point would be any less painful, and if Capcom ever wanted to spin a harrowing tale of loss and shed more light on a community favorite, Kendo's origin story is ripe and waiting.

Either that or they could make a game based on Tofu first gaining sentience. Either or.

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Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.