7 Video Game Plot Twists That Divided EVERYONE

5. The Templars ARE The Assassins - Assassin's Creed III

Assassin's Creed 3 Connor Haytham

Assassin's Creed lore started in a fascinating place, reached what most fans think of as the peak with AC 2's "Minerva twist", then forked in the road with Assassin's Creed III.

It wasn't enough that Ubisoft pulled a Metal Gear and hid Haytham Kenway in marketing, or that his opening section took WAY too long before we could play as Connor. No, the biggest icing on this double helix of a twist-cake came from something that upended the entire Assassin's Creed canon:

That Haytham himself was a Templar, and that the Templars at this point in the timeline, had begun to move and operate just like Assassins.

From this moment on, either you were totally up for a philosophical breakdown of how two ancient factions were now co-adopting each others' methods, or it blurred those dividing lines too much, and the franchise no longer had clear-cut villains.

Assassin's Creed is in a far more, all-out anime place right now, following Odyssey and Valhalla's final twists being some of the barmiest business in gaming history, but with each title being around 50 hours long, it's pretty clear a mainstream audience are yet to catch up.

If they had, we'd ALL be talking about what happens at the end of Valhalla.

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