7 Video Game Plot Twists That Divided EVERYONE

4. The Ghosts Are Manifestations Of The Original Game - Final Fantasy VII Remake

final fantasy 7 remake
Square Enix

Almost everything about Final Fantasy VII's Remake is divisive by nature.

At its core it fundamentally is not a remake of the original game in terms of structure, with Square Enix opting to sell what amounts to a tutorial as a full game, stretched out.

Marketing deception aside though, it's the aftermath of the story that fans are still grappling with.

See, FF7R's titular "remake" refers to an in-game, in-canon "remaking" of the events of the original game, by iconic villain Sephiroth.

This meta, fourth wall-shattering twist comes at the close of the new game, breaking away from the source material entirely and seeing Cloud and the gang fight manifestations of destiny itself, eventually emerging in a new space where formerly dead characters are now alive, but Sephiroth still needs to be taken down.

Supporters of this twist say it's a bold, fresh way to even "do" a remake. It unites new players and veterans on the same playing field as none of us know what happens next, and means we're collectively trading theories powered by speculation and source material in equal measure.

Conversely, you can easily say creative lead Tetsuya Nomura - known for going banana sandwich on the regular with Kingdom Hearts - has already played every meaningful story card possible.

With Zack introduced tens of hours ahead of time and Sephiroth already shown to be defeated, the specific beats of FF7's legendary story can no longer be hit.

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