7 Video Game Plot Twists That Divided EVERYONE

3. Joker's Return - Batman: Arkham Knight

Batman Arkham Knight Joker

Arkham Knight has aged so weirdly, in the grand scheme of things. Where Arkham Asylum and City are treasured and recommended, Arkham Knight - despite its gameplay being outstanding and the best of the bunch - sits firmly in the "meh" category.

A lot of this comes from its many pretty naff endings and the inclusion of tank battles, but there's one aspect that was dividing all who played across the story itself:

The return of Joker.

Coming after Rocksteady swore blind that Joker was dead and there's no way he was coming back, we got the exact opposite.

Mark Hamill reprised the role one more time, and Joker had more screentime here than in both previous titles combined.

Appearing as an entity inside Bruce's mind, it meant The Clown Prince popped up inside ventilation shafts, could be spotted on the sides of buildings as you were flying around, or would just get in the way of otherwise serious story beats, by mugging to the camera.

Either it's one last victory lap for one of the best character performances of all time; an immortally appealing character you just can't do a Batman game without - or it's a damning indictment on the writers and the titular Arkham Knight, because how expansive and forward-thinking is this mythos, if we're all forever dogged by the past?

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