7 Video Game Post Credits Scenes That Changed EVERYTHING

4. Robot Dance Off - Transformers: Fall Of Cybertron

mass effect 3 ending

War, in case you didn't know, is usually a pretty serious business, especially seeing as it's often quite hard for your one-liners to hit with the same impact as an explosive shell that's landed right by you, however thanks to an admittedly brilliant credits sequence in Transformers: Fall Of Cybertron, eternal conflict does seem a little bit more entertaining.

So at the close of the game, the metaphorical nuts and bolts have hit the fan, Bumblebee has been decommissioned after taking one for the team, Megatron and Optimus Prime are having a scrap that is turning each of them into literal scrap, and then then ship that they're fighting on gets pulled into a portal never to be seen again. Honestly after the outstanding boss battle and that ending, you'd rightly be thinking "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?" and begin praying to the video game gods that a post credits scene will reveal the fate of our chromatic cast members.

Well sorry to break it to you, but no you don't get closure, what you do get instead is a ROBOT DANCE OFF BAYBEEE!

Yes that's right, what we get instead is robots busting a move while "You Got The Touch" plays out as an homage to the original animated movie. It's brilliant, it's silly, it's hilarious, it.....completely changes the tone of what we just played through but GODDAMIT does it send us off on a high note.

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