7 Video Game Sequels That Mocked Mechanics Fans Hated

1. The Balloon Children - Ultimate Spider-Man

Ultimate Spider-Man Venom Balloon

Although most tend to hail Spider-Man 2 as the web-slinger's best adventure on the sixth generation of consoles, Ultimate Spider-Man is just as good - if not better.

Treyarch's cel-shaded take on Brian Bendis and Mark Bagley's award-winning Ultimate Spider-Man comics brought back everything there was to love about Spider-Man 2 and added to it by including the suburb of Queens, crossovers with other Marvel characters and even a story where you could play as Venom. The swinging was perfect, there were plenty of petty crimes to stop, and there was enough to distinguish Spidey and Venom apart to make the dual campaign feel worthwhile.

But Treyarch didn't just innovate on their previous effort - no, they had to have a little laugh at its expense too.

Ultimate Spider-Man Venom

Anyone who's played Spider-Man 2 will know that not all of the petty crimes were particularly enjoyable to play, with the sinking ships caught in the Hudson especially frustrating. However, the biggest meme of all ended up being the game's 'balloon child', who would taunt the player with cries of "my balloon!" and "balloonie - *sobbing*" until Spidey managed to rescue their favourite helium-based possession.

It was hilariously irritating, and so in the sequel, Treyarch decided that the balloon children would be snacks for Venom. Yep, you literally eat the balloon kid to keep up your health. Revenge doesn't get any better.


Can you think of any other times video games mocked mechanics fans hated? Let us know in the comments below!


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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.