7 Video Games PERFECT For A Full Remake

5. Dead Space

gta 6 Vice City

This is a gem that is still fresh in the mind of survival horror fans, even though it was released twelve long years ago.

A masterclass in immersion, Dead Space offers an isolated horror experience loaded with tense surprises. It also bolsters rich but blood-curdling sound design.

Though they likely had to change their underwear many times throughout its journey, Dead Space was cherished by many who played it. Providing a whole new generation of horror fans to scare senseless, Dead Space could explode onto the scene with a remake of this chilling adventure.

Seeing the claustrophobic USG Ishimura and all of its creepy crawlies brought back to life with modern technology would be nothing short of stunning. We also wouldn't mind seeing a Dead Space 2 remake either. Sorry Dead Space 3, but you can stay right where you are.


Hello all! I am a nerdy person who is passionate about all things pop culture, and dogs!