7 Video Games PERFECT For A Full Remake

4. FEAR Series

gta 6 Vice City

The thrill of first person shooting, jump scares and a surprisingly gripping story line. This all sounds too good to be true, but were prevalent throughout the FEAR series.

All too often survival horror relies on the "walking simulator" gimmick. And while there are plenty of great selections in this genre, such as Outlast and Layers of Fear, they never give the player a proper chance to fight for their lives.

The balance in FEAR is incredible. One second you will be running and gunning, cutting down anyone who is foolish enough to stand in your way. Then you might make a wrong turn down a corridor, where all sorts of paralysing paranormal events occur, which quickly have you praying you make it out alive.

Survival horror continues to carry on, alongside first person shooters which are as popular as ever. However no franchise has been able to marry the two together quite like the FEAR series.

Bringing the terror back to life with updated mechanics and visuals would entice new and returning fans alike, to uncover the amazing yet frightening riches within.


Hello all! I am a nerdy person who is passionate about all things pop culture, and dogs!