7 Video Games That Messed With Their Source Material

1. Pac-Man

pac man atari 2600


How do you mess this up so badly?

I guess for a start you put all the programming duties onto just one man, give that man mere months to convert one of the biggest and best selling arcade video games, and have him do all of that on hardware that couldn’t even power a calculator on today's mobile phones.

Oh and then you pay him in advance to make more copies of the game than there are actual number of consoles able to play it on the market at that time. And you pay him 10 cents royalty on each copy so end up paying him a fat fat cheque for this disaster of a game. That’s how.

The fact that the Pac Man game on the Atari 2600 couldn’t even manage to get all the ghosts on screen at once and had to use a flickering system to make it appear as though they were is a testament to how much of a botched job this was.

It was a greed incarnate to see the game rushed out for the holiday season and even worse to see Atari market the game as “a little different” to the original once they realised what a state it was in.

The little pellet munching mascot didn’t deserve such a fate and it shows that you can have the perfect formula in front of you, but if it’s human error and want behind the implication, chances are things won’t add up at the end of it all.


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