7 Video Games You Traded In After Playing Once

6. Dynasty Warriors

Some items on this list only concern individual games, but this is an example of a complete series proving to be meaningless after the initial play-through. For the uninitiated, the player takes control of a historical Chinese warrior/general from the Three Kingdoms era of China (in Samurai Warriors €“ also by the same company €“ it is the Warring States period) to gain control of China for his respective faction €“ Wei, Wu or Shu. In this case when I refer to playing once before trading in I mean the practice of completing each characters particular campaign to experience all of the content. Don't get me wrong, I've had some of the most fun with video-games playing Dynasty Warriors, and the sublime soundtrack combines traditional Chinese music with modern rock. Then there is a very impressive roster of characters (82 as of Dynasty Warriors 8) each with their own unique fighting styles and weapons, and finally is the simple vastness of it all. The battles feel big and dramatic while the actual time investment to complete the campaign is astounding. But once you complete the campaign, you just won't play it again, because the series doesn't have any particular replay value. So once the campaign is done, it might as well be traded just so it doesn't gather dust.

I’ve been a film fan for as long as I can remember, with one of my earliest memories watching my dad’s copy of Star Wars one rainy afternoon in the mid-nineties. Then the 21st century happened, and my interests developed from there – mainly including comics and video-games, and recently an introduction into WWE. It’s a good time for popular culture. Follow me on Twitter: @TW0_ST3P or on Facebook: facebook.com/Tw0st3p