7 Video Games Where Every Ending Is The BAD Ending

1. Fallout 1

Far cry 3

In the world of Fallout, the question of morality isn't so much black and white, so much as it is an irradiated throbbing green.

Your actions will shape the very world around you but never usually for the better, as even if you do help repair social bonds, help build settlements and defeat all manner of evil, this is a franchise built on a foundation on the depressing idea that "War. War never changes"

What this means is that while you may leave a Fallout installment having tried to best to fix the world, it's only a matter of time before something else crushes that dream entirely, or worse reveals that the choices you made led to long-term ills for the nation.

Still, at the very start of this chain, it was reasonable to expect that Fallout 1 would at least offer the player some respite for all their hard work, especially as there were so many ways to mess up the rather simple-sounding job of "get us a water chip". You could take too long and see your home dry up entirely, you could bungle negotiations and doom other locations on your merry way, or you could just point to your home and send a rampaging mutant horde to smash things apart if you're an evil bastard.

Yet even if you do manage to make it through the Wasteland in one piece and return with a water chip, the Overseer will straight up bar you from returning as the stink of Super Mutant blood and love of the old ultra-violence is a little too much for his radish shaped head to deal with.

All endings, therefore, end with you either messing up royally or being screwed out of your home for helping out. Great times.

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Far Cry 3
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