7 Video Games Where Every Ending Is The BAD Ending

2. All Of Normans Endings - Heavy Rain

Far cry 3
Quantic Dream

When it comes to downer endings, the awkward shower creeper simulator slash Son-saving mini-game experience Heavy Rain really does take one part of its namesake to heart, as when it comes to closing moments poor old FBI agent Norman Jayden really does get a "heavy" amount of them.

And by that I mean all of his endings are super bleak.

As it's very possible to tank a run of this game with just a few bad choices or missed button prompts it's easy to miss Norman's "happiest" ending (which is about as cheerful as watching your dog be put down with a brick), as here even though he solved the case and is hailed as a hero, the drug he's been taking and the overuse of his fancy crime tech have left his mind in tatters, with him hallucinating uncontrollably and implying that this will be with him for the rest of his life.

And that's the happiest ending.

The player can also unlock endings that see Norman overdose on Triptocaine and die, or get absolutely roasted by his former colleagues for having fallen in the line of duty, yet equally as depressing is the resignation ending in which Norman solves the case but leaves the profession entirely to go live a normal life. This is played as if it's a good thing for him but at the same time, is giving up your profession and allowing other crimes to go unsolved and a corrupt system of cops to go unchecked a good thing?

Thought not.

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Far Cry 3
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