7 Video Games You MUST Play On Evil Mode

1. The Lord Of The Rings: Conquest

spider man web of shadows
THQ Nordic

From the very first moment, I saw Peter Jackson's Lord Of The Rings Trilogy start to play out on the big screen, my heart sank a little. Not because I was worried about the quality of the films, which went on to do absolute gangbusters critically and commercially, but because when I saw The Dark Lord and his huge army bedecked in that glorious angular armor I was like "ah s**t he's so cool looking I kinda want him to win now"

With nothing more than some spikey suits of metal, a few scant moments of his physical prowess, and a glower power much greater than flower power, I knew I was a dark nasty Goblin fanboy, and thus spent the next few films relishing all the moments where the Fellowship was pushed to breaking point. Therefore is it any surprise that I heartily recommend the Evil Mode you can find in The Lord Of The Rings: Conquest?

Here not only do you get to wipe your dirty Uruk-hai booty all over those Elven drapes, but you even get to re-write history and utterly raize The Shire to the ground.

Seriously, there is nothing more devilishly fun than burning Hobbit Holes to cinders and taking apart the stories greatest heroes one by one, and when the experience is capped off with you taking direct control of Sauron as he proceeds to belt Hobbits into the sun like he's a drunk dad at a pitch and putt course, well I had to check my TV for sound issues before finding out that all that maniacal laughter was actually coming out of my mouth and not the TV.

Good times.

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