7 Ways Capcom Can Make Resident Evil 7 A Success

5. A Confined Locale

Resident Evil 6 stumbled all over itself by transporting you off to several different locales across the world; if you weren't in some European territory trying to best some monstrous behemoth you would be racing across a mountainous region blanketed in snow fighting your enemies in a cruel blizzard. There was simply too much globe-trotting, never really allowing you to become immersed at the task at hand as you would be briskly thrown onto another continent, causing a disconnect in the overall narrative regardless of how many air miles the characters would be racking up fleshing out the world. Going back to a more confined setting may mean that back-tracking would again be on the cards, but there are ways to design this in order for it to feel more natural and not so arduous. Reworking how puzzles are presented and solved can also add depth and further strategy, provided they aren't so far-fetched for the world they inhabit and actually provoke your intellect as a player. Consistency is the fundamental foundation for a successful survival-horror title and there should be little in the way of breaking you out of such a flow in order to maintain the suspense and progression throughout the experience.

Ardent gaming enthusiast who lusts for a taste of working in the industry. Fighting game bruiser who would play professionally if he could learn to block just that little bit more. Bartender on the side and used to be a freelance Makeup Artist. Enthralls everywhere he goes.