7 Ways Rockstar And Nintendo Are Exactly The Same

2. They Are Cautious Of Having A Relationship With One Another

Rockstar nintendo

Can you list how many Rockstar games there are on Nintendo consoles? Did you know that of all things the Wii has seen the most home console releases from Rockstar in the last 15 years?

Yes, it’s true. The Wii was graced with Manhunt 2 in 2007, Table Tennis the same year and Bully: Scholarship Edition in 2009. The Nintendo DS had 2009’s Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars which was well-received by critics at the time. There are no Rockstar games on the Wii U.

Nintendo of America Reggie Fils-Aimé admits that it was always down to Nintendo to get the right install base of consoles in order to attract developers like Rockstar. When you’ve got perhaps 70 million people playing your game already, another five million or so versus months of added development time when you want to be making Grand Theft Auto VI or Red Dead Redemption 2 is patently not worth it.

Equally, Nintendo, by way of avoiding the graphical “arms race” that always occurs between Sony and Microsoft, are never particularly keen to see much of Rockstar’s catalogue on their systems, either. A shame. But that’s business.

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Bryan Langley’s first console was the Super Nintendo and he hasn’t stopped using his opposable thumbs since. He is based in Bristol, UK and is still searchin' for them glory days he never had.