7 Ways Rockstar And Nintendo Are Exactly The Same

1. The Overall Quality Of Their Games Simply Cannot Be Beaten

Rockstar nintendo

There’s always something special to enjoy when you load up a title from Nintendo or Rockstar. From title screen to end credits or the way the games are always stuffed with secrets, easter eggs and nods to fans, Ninty and R* are crowd pleasers and main franchise releases are gaming events.

Now, I have no idea of the mathematical wizardry or algorithms behind the “Average 30 career score” is for Rockstar and Nintendo on aggregating website MetaCritic but Nintendo sits at 75 and Rockstar sits at 81 – presumably out of 100. This likely comes down to the law of averages though, as Rockstar have 7 pages’ worth of games and Nintendo have four times as much with 28 pages of game titles.

So really, that’s saying that Rockstar are the games development supremos when pitted against Nintendo. But nobody can deny the pull of a core Nintendo title when they really hit their stride – Mario Kart 8 and Super Mario 3D World, although in places much simpler and easier games than others in the overall series, are classic examples of how Nintendo do everything with skill and panache.

Likewise no matter how many years between releases and no matter how many times you watch the trailers, there’s nothing quite like letting a Rockstar title unfold in front of you. Many hours of quality gaming await.

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Bryan Langley’s first console was the Super Nintendo and he hasn’t stopped using his opposable thumbs since. He is based in Bristol, UK and is still searchin' for them glory days he never had.