7 Ways To Bring Anthem Back From The Dead
1. A Big Story Expansion
The one thing that can always inject new life into a franchise is a big story expansion. Adding new content and a platform for both existing and new players to set off together will allow for the soft-reboot that Anthem desperately needs right now.
This is the exact thing Destiny did with "The Taken King". Bringing in sweeping improvements across the spectrum to make the game fantastically engaging for existing and new players.
Bring in new enemies, a new area to explore and a new threat to deal with will certainly get players through the door. Expand this further with meaningful end-game content and Anthem is suddenly the game to be playing.
Even with their recent troubles, Bioware has all the skills to tell an engaging and captivating story. If Bioware can craft a story worth playing the rest of the pieces can then fall into place.