7 Ways To Kill Time Until FIFA 18

3. Unlock All The Achievements/Trophies

FIFA 17 The Journey Alex Hunter
EA Sports

With nearly 50 trophies and achievements to unlock in FIFA 17, there's no way you could reasonably claim to have got them all.

In the past, FIFA achievements were ludicrously easy to get your hands on thanks to the designers making them incredibly obvious. A personal favourite from FIFA 11 was to score ten goals in the arena and unlock an achievement basically telling you to get on with it and play some games - perhaps not obvious but ten goals was standard as a warm up before getting stuck in.

Nowadays, the achievements and trophies are a bit more specific and, realistically speaking, you'll need a guide to root them all out and a lot of good fortune to actually unlock them. Why good luck, you may ask? Well, 'The Sweet Spot' achievement requires the player to smash one in top bins with a defender from 25 yards - good luck...

There's every chance hunting all of these achievements out will take you all summer but you've definitely interpreted that as a challenge and have already booted your console... haven't you...

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Probably the only person ever to see all the endings of the awful Shadow the Hedgehog video game. Professional proofreader, football fanatic, lion tamer and occasional liar.