7 WWE Video Games WORSE Than 2K20
Graphical downgrades and glitches galore? Believe me, it's been worse.

It's fair to say that WWE 2K20 released to a less-than-favourable reception.
Like all games rushed out to meet a yearly release date, it was almost a direct copy of the previous but with graphics and character models looking worse than entries in the series five years ago, it offered a frankly laughable MyCareer campaign when compared to the excellent storyline from 2K19, and alienated its existing fanbase with confusing control changes.
Most infamous of all were the glitches present at release, from numerous graphical bugs on par with Assassin's Creed Unity, to the infamous 2K20 bug where the game temporarily stopped working after clicking over the year 2020. And yet, we can still highlight a lot of positives: the creation suite is still as vast as ever (glitches aside), the Four Horsewomen showcase is great, finally offering a female-led storyline, and the roster remains as impressive as ever with welcome surprises like Chyna and The Fiend
It's due to these positives that WWE 2K20 isn't the absolute worst game in the wrestling promotion's historic library, as the following seven games are about to prove. These games are restricted to the wrestling aspect (so Crush Hour gets a free pass).
It may have been bad to the point of cancellation this year, but it's been so much worse.
7. WWE 2K15 (PS4 & Xbox One)

The first couple of screenshots for the next-gen 2K15 blew everyone's minds: the quality of the models, the lighting, the depth of field, it looked incredible. But little by little cracks began to show and upon release, the game was revealed as a hollow shell.
Practically all of the features that fans had become accustomed to, and what many people buy the games for in the first place, were removed to make way for improved visuals. Custom Arenas, custom finishers, custom championship, story designer, custom divas and the paint tool were all removed, and custom superstar slots were chopped in half.
Outside of this, masses of gameplay modes were also removed, including I Quit, Inferno, non-title Ladder matches, backstage brawls. Even the roster took a massive hit, with only 63 superstars on the disc compared to 84 the previous year and over 120 the following year.
Functionally the game is fine and controls well, but what's the point of picking it up when there's little to keep you coming back?