8 "Awesome" Video Game Mechanics We All HATED

5. Using R.O.B To "Help" You - Gyromite

death stranding bb

The NES era of video games was truly what the MCU would have deemed "the maddest timeline".

You had an explosion of video game content that washed the sour taste of Atari's ruinous taint, and because Nintendo was leading the charge it also came with a wave of weird and wonderful peripherals.

Including the one and only R.O.B or "Robotic Operating Buddy" who may well have been Nintendo's most insane product ever...well until the Virtual Boy....and the Nintendo Labo....and....just look it was pretty mad ok because it was a bloody robot who would help you play games.

Now you tell me that this isn't one of the best sounding mechanics for your video game hobby ever. An actual robot assistant.

And yet, as anyone who's ever had the pleasure of R.O.B's "help" will be able to tell you, this product and the games he was attached to were utterly abysmal.

Gyromite best exemplifies the problems here, as in this title you were a professor trying to move through levels to collect dynamite that would explode if you ran out of time. Blocking your way were color-coded pillars that R.O.B could help you shift by pushing the corresponding buttons. However, the act of getting him to move at all was a chore, making you pause the game to go into a pseudo-select screen to tell R.O.B what to do.

And then you'd wait upwards of a minute per action for him to press one button.

One button. In a minute. In a game with a time limit. Do I need to expand more on why this was actual hell? Thought not.


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