8 "Useless" Video Game Items That Were Secretly GAME-BREAKERS

1. Bubble Lead - Mega Man 2

assassins creed broom

Name a more iconic duo than Mega Man and final bosses with inexplicable weaknesses we never saw coming. To that end, Mega Man 2 features one of the series' all-time worst weapons in the Bubble Lead.

A fundamentally naff addition to your arsenal, the Bubble Lead simply shoots a heavy bubble which quickly falls to the ground, quite aptly, with all the grace of a lead balloon.

Even accepting that it's intended to deal with ground opponents, its sluggish movement speed and mediocre damage make it a real chore to use. Above all else, it’s just not fun.

That is, until it finally proves it worth right at the end of the game, during the final boss battle against the Alien.

As it turns out, the Bubble Lead is the only weapon which can damage the Alien, and so is ultimately absolutely vital for beating the game.

More to the point, if you start the final fight without enough Bubble Lead ammo, you're basically screwed and will be unable to win the engagement.

Thankfully this doesn't quite break the game, though - you just need to kill yourself until you get a Game Over, allowing you to restart the level with a fully-stocked Bubble Lead. Such mercy is never a sure thing where older games are concerned, so that’s certainly a genuine relief.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.