8 Amazing RPGs for Time Poor Players

3. Parasite Eve

Citizen Sleeper
Square Enix

And now for a Square Enix RPG you can actually beat in a single day if you put your mind to it - imagine that.

Though its style and tone initially seem to have more in common with a Capcom survival horror game, make no mistake, Parasite Eve is a card-carrying JRPG beneath the horror gloss.

With its inventive combat system, jaw-dropping art direction, and fascinatingly macabre story, Parasite Eve quickly won itself a cult of loyal fans, even if it fell far short of the popularity of both Resident Evil and Final Fantasy.

But unlike the latter franchise in particular, Parasite Eve doesn't demand dozens, even hundreds of hours of your time - even with its rich mechanics, you can clear the game in 8-10 hours.

For anyone who claims that too many RPGs fail to respect the player's time, this is the perfect antidote - a rich and tonally adventurous outing that won't demand all your free time for weeks on end.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.