8 Amazing RPGs for Time Poor Players

2. Citizen Sleeper

Citizen Sleeper
Fellow Traveller

Quite arguably one of the best RPGs of the past decade, Citizen Sleeper is a laudably to-the-point experience that delivers outstanding world-building amid a thought-provoking story inside of a svelte 6-7 hours.

A gloriously unconventional RPG, Citizen Sleeper takes place in a sci-fi dystopia, casting players as a human slave in a robot body who wishes to find a better life for themselves.

Having more in common with a visual novel than traditional genre offerings, the game has no combat or big, wide world to explore. 

The story is moved along by a limited number of daily dice rolls, while the game focuses on immersing players in its rich world and endearing them to its memorable cast of characters.

Citizen Sleeper may be "simple" compared to the glut of RPGs with exhaustingly intricate gameplay systems, but such is its strength - with its pared-down mechanics and limited scope, it's one hell of a refreshing palate cleanser in an era of shameless content bloat.

And if you enjoy it, a sequel is due for release next year.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.