8 Amazing Video Game Weapons Dropped In Sequels

5. Halo 4 - Dual Wielding

Batman Shock Gloves

What greater (or should that be worst) example is there of a game dropping amazing weapons than the move from Halo 3 to 4 which saw the entire double-wielding feature scrapped entirely.

What this meant for players is that while all of the guns you could use with this feature were technically present in the game, the custom loadouts they would offer and the interesting plays you could create were gone entirely.

A firm favorite of this mode, the Plasma Pistol, and Needler was an excellent one-two punch that removed shields and then turned enemies into pincushions, however, the devs thought that it changed the flow of the game drastically as melee and grenade options aren’t available while holding two guns.

Which is fine in theory but in practice that’s a choice for the player to make, and therefore scrapping the idea meant we actually had fewer combat options to play with!


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