8 Amazing Video Game Weapons Dropped In Sequels

4. Devil May Cry 4 - Nevan + Other Devil Arms 

Batman Shock Gloves

The Devil May Cry series is no stranger to weird and wonderful weapons, but things definitely seemed to hit their peak meme-madness with Devil May Cry 3, which allowed Dante to wield all sorts of insane weaponry such as a pair of twin swords that look like McCain's Crinkle Cut Oven Chips, a set of boots and gauntlets that let you punch seven bells out of enemies and of course the most ridiculous of all Nevan aka The Guitar Of DOOOOM!

Unlocked after defeating the demon of the same name, Nevan is basically the most banter weapon in a collection of banter weapons, allowing the player to use the literal power of rock to smash opponents into dust.

Therefore it was a huge shame to see that this Axe got the cut in subsequent titles, and even more insultingly, was hand waved away as Dante having sold it and other Devil Arms to pay his rent!


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