8 Amazing Video Game Weapons That Killed YOU

4. Vodoo Doll - Blood

Resident Evil 5 Egg
Monolith Productions

When it comes to the video game Blood, it sure does spill a helluva lot of it with its ridiculous weapons list. From jackhammer shotguns with enough recoil to push you back through a wall to a Vulcan Minigun which chews through ammo at a frightening rate, you can go toe to toe with the forces of the dead and laugh as you mow down enemies in short order.

That being said, if you really want to stick the needle in, why not do quite literally that with the Voodoo Doll which you pick up fairly early in the game. The gimmick here is that instead of aiming and unleashing your own personal version of Hell, you can simply send enemies right to its gates by jabbing the doll in front of you.

Thanks to its unlimited range and lack of aiming requirements, the Voodoo Doll is supremely powerful in the right hands, however, you better watch your pinkies if there are no enemies on screen because if you attack and "miss" you'll end up doing catastrophic damage to yourself!

Therefore it's quite possible in the hectic battles that emerge in the late game to feel like a right prick as you jab a needle into your hand and go down like a sack of spuds!


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