8 Amazing Video Game Weapons That Killed YOU

3. Devil Weapons - Fire Emblem

Resident Evil 5 Egg

So we all know the expression "don't deal with the Devil" right? A backhanded warning and condemnation of those that associate with less than reputable people, this is a mantra that should always be kept in mind when playing through the Fire Emblem titles as the Devil Weapons you find within are no joke, but at the same time might end up having a laugh at your expense.

This is because while the stat lines for the Devil Axe and Sword, plus the numerous cursed weapons you can find in the franchise all rock insane damage output, each comes at a pretty heavy cost.

For you see, whenever you attack with these weapons, the game performs a skill check and depending on your luck skill you have around a 20-30% chance of the attack not just missing, but hitting you.

And we're not talking a weak slap to remind you who is boss, we're talking a full or even critical hit that may well one shot your own party member! It's a gamble and a half as while it's always nice to pie off an enemy, it's much less so when you've ended up slicing your own face off.


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