8 Annoying Mistakes Video Game Developers Continue To Make

6. Celebrity Voice Actors

Peter Dinklage Destiny

When it comes to movies, star power can sell a premise. Dozens of movies have sailed through the box office based on the celebrities that are on the poster, but when it comes to games, there is a different standard.

A growing trend amongst games developers is to use celebrities as voice actors, despite next to no skill in that field. And whilst some of these actors are exceptional on screen, it takes a certain tenacity and degree of finesse to sell a character on a voice alone.

Instances such as Matthew Perry voicing Benny in Fallout: New Vegas or the infamous flop of Peter Dinklage's Ghost from Destiny rank amongst the many times voice actors have been out of their depth, and it's become clear that their names were the true selling point of the game.

Of course, celebrities do have their place in games, with some being exceptional voice actors (Mark Hamill's Joker being a prime example), but just flinging a celeb in to boost star power is a major faux pax that many studios need to outgrow.


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.