8 Back-Breaking Video Game DLC Bosses

5. Samur - Doom Eternal: The Ancient Gods

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The fact that when you type in Samur's name from the stonkingly chonky Ancient Gods DLC that it's often followed with the words "guide" "help" and "seriously I'm going to need counseling" (that one might have been tailored to me), it's pretty clear that battling this warped angel is going to take you through hell and back.

Doom Eternal is a game known for already upping the steaks, but your beef if going to get the marbling slapped off it by this initially weak-looking weirdo if you approach the battle with anything less than a BFG's worth of confidence and skill. Here Samur presents all the notably stanky gimmicks in the book; phases of invulnerability, minion summoning, trap hazards, area of effect attacks, and of course multiple phases that continuously up his power while you're left struggling to maintain your own.

For many, this was the boss that broke the Doom Slayer's back, as on harder difficulties the sheer amount of adaptation you need to showcase is utterly draining. Making a short series of mistakes in the latter phase is sure to see the run fail, and mustering up the muscle memory and the surgical focus is going to leave you feeling utterly hollow on the inside. Take into account that guides for this boss often make use of high-level starts like chainsaw shielding, lightning-fast rune switching and pinpoint accuracy and this is a test of skill that will leave many flunking out of Demon school.


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