8 Back-Breaking Video Game DLC Bosses

3. Adam And Eve - Nier Automata: 3C3C1D119440927 DLC

sekiro inner genichiro
Platinum Games

If you thought that saying the name of the DLC was hard enough, just wait until you reach the secret boss challenge at the end of the collesseum area.


Seriously I'm up for a challenge but to be presented with a corrupted version of Adam and Eve after running a literal gauntlet of other enemies and previous bosses fried my circuits like I'd tried to shove a fish into my USB port. Now I know that here are some well-tuned machines in the audience that likely will scoff at the thought of a boss gauntlet, but this S-tier ranked run which can only be unlocked by first completing all the other difficulties, carries with it the horrible mutation that you die in just a single hit, from any enemy at all and trust me there are a lot of them.

Imagine going all of those rounds only to make it to this corrupted pair and then getting one shotted by a rogue heel kick. Fuming.

Yet somehow things get even worse, as the true back-breaking element of this entry comes from the fact that in order to stand a chance of doing damage to regular enemies (which are higher level than even the max player cap will allow) you need to grind the piss out of certain areas for specific diamond chips in order to upgrade your character. So in summary, you need to spend potentially hours grinding for a build that could still be killed in one hit once you attempt the run.

Does. not. compute.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.