Batman: Arkham Knight - 8 Identity Theories You Can Stop Believing

1. The Riddler

Shown in the new trailer assumedly part of the big group-deal the villains are partaking in, a twitchier and more unhinged Riddler looks to be the one we'll be facing in Arkham Knight. Thanks to (if you tracked down all the Riddler Trophies in City anyway) Edward Nigma getting secured with a head-mounted machine that forced him to walk endlessly forward for days on end, it's expected that his usually calm demeanour is in the past. However, even if he is going slightly more off the rails, between both the shots of everyone gathering for the meeting and the Knight's more gung-ho approach to dispatching people he no longer needs, the latter action in particular is something that just goes against the way Nigma operates too much to be believable. Are there any other Arkham Knight identity theories you have the evidence to debunk? Let us know in the comments, and join the Facebook page for more!
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