8 Beloved Video Game Levels That Have Aged Terribly

6. Facility - GoldenEye 007

Crash Bandicoot The High Road

And now for one of the most cherished video game levels of all time - GoldenEye 007's Facility. 

In the single-player campaign, you dropped down into the chemical warfare lab through the toilets, rendezvoused with 006, and blew up gas tanks with mines, making you truly feel like you were James Bond himself. But Facility became something truly special in multiplayer.

Who among us hasn't filled Facility's bathroom with mines and waited for some poor sap to come waltzing through the door? Glorious.

Yet for all our dew-eyed, nostalgic memories of Facility's brilliance, like the game as a whole it sadly doesn't hold up to contemporary scrutiny. 

Forgot the dated visuals - the enemy AI in single-player is execrable, and like all other levels, Facility is designed to accommodate the period's woefully clunky Nintendo 64 control scheme, something even the recent remaster failed to fully rectify.

Sometimes it's OK to let great games remain great memories, and GoldenEye's best level is a shining example of that.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.