8 Best Boss Fights From Batman's Arkham Series

7. Killer Croc - Batman Arkham Asylum

Following on from the final Scarecrow hallucination the player has little chance to catch their breath; having to venture into to Killer Croc's lair. In Croc's lair Batman quickly goes from being an invisible predator to being the blind prey in the predator's territory. Most players will remember this part of the game for the wooden planks, they stretched out the sequence into one of the longest confrontations because Batman could not run freely but had to walk lightly in order to avoid detection. Whilst this may have been frustrating for the player at the time it was good to see a situation in which the player had to be patient. Croc would then attack without warning demanding immediate reaction from the player. Even if the player tried to predict a pattern Croc's lair is a maze meaning he could attack from any direction, forcing the player to stay alert. Then came the moments when Batman had to run quickly away from Croc smashing through wooden planks, again it was difficult to predict a pattern to this. Even when the player has collected all the plants they still have to escape from Killer Croc's lair using the same patience and reaction. I imagine I was not the only player to feel triumphant when Croc was caught out by the explosive gel, it was a fitting reward for a boss confrontation that demanded more of the player than just button smashing and running.

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