8 BEST Movie Tie-In Video Games EVER

1. GoldenEye 007

The Chronicles of Riddick Escape from Butcher Bay

C'mon, was there ever any possibility of any other game taking the #1 spot? 

GoldenEye 007 has remained the crowned king of the movie video game for the better part of 30 years (!), delivering an experience that engages with the source material in lovingly reverent fashion while turning in a generation-defining FPS in its own right.

GoldenEye's ludicrously entertaining campaign is one thing, but what truly took it to the next level was its narcotically addictive four-player multiplayer suite. 

After all, who among us doesn't have fond memories of camping out in the Facility toilets and rigging the door up with proximity mines to gank their unsuspecting mates?

The fantastically diverse weapons, outstanding level design, iconic music, and goofy cheats made it the game that put the console FPS on the map. 

That developer Rare created arguably the single best console party game of an entire gaming generation while also capturing the unique style and atmosphere of the Bond IP remains a towering achievement.

And to think, the gaming press, players, and Bond fans alike had basement-low expectations for this thing leading up to its release.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.